

Things that don't fit into any category coming right up!

Rynn is potty training (with success!!!) finally...HOORAY! She is wearing panties and sadly she still has accidents but we are making great progress.

My kids are cup stacking. I don't know why but they are deriving so much joy from doing this. No pack of plastic cups is safe in this house.

Uncle Ken's in the news. MSNBC LINK Wow, how disgusting those priests were. We are very proud of Uncle Ken.

I hit a transvestite's van. Yes, I backed into it and busted it up good. Go me. *sigh*

The high last night was 10 degrees and the low was -5 degrees. I didn't notice. Went outside today barefoot and with short sleeves and felt fine.

It hasn't snowed here in quite a while. One weekend it did in October and that was exciting. We went sledding a bit. Snow's got a few added bonuses I didn't expect - after it melts a little and then refreezes it's so *sparkly* and *glittery* . And I love to walk in it then - crunch, crunch, crunch. After it melts, though, everything is just muddy and nasty for a few days.

Audrey has this little pony Pawpaw and Mimmy gave her before we left that is supposed to turn hot pink when you touch it with ice. Well the pony seems to stay hot pink more often than not and Audrey decorates it back to white with her tongue!

Audrey's doing great in school. Her teacher says she is going to put her in an advanced reading group when they start with reading soon.

Rynn has an amazing memory. When I need to find something, I ask Rynn where it is and she almost always finds it. A couple of days ago I read a book to her (a simple one - the words were something like "we like reading. we like biking. etc etc...we are friends.") and after only reading it once she read the whole thing back to me flawlessly.

My girls have bike skillZZZ. =) Those kids are tearing up the pavement daily. I am running to keep up with them now, even with Rynn and her training wheels.

My girls have computer skillz too. Audrey of course has been able to use Nickjr.com since she was 4. She actually has her own character in WoW that is, I think, lvl 12 or so which she has done herself. I told her she couldn't play that any more til she could read and now she's trying to convince me she can. Yesterday she gets on and asks some random guy, "dooyoowunt too froop" (Do you want to group) I had to laugh at that one.

Rynn is to the point where she turns on her daddy's laptop, clicks the start menu and goes up to internet explorer, clicks the link that comes up to nickjr.com, goes to the games menu there, and goes to town playing or watching videos. I'm telling you that girl is gifted. She's not even 3 yet and I didn't specifically show her how to do any of that, she just got it by watching us.

Ok this has turned into a bragging session! That's enough about us for now, else my head explode.

Photos from Breckenridge

For my birthday we went to Breckenridge for the weekend. I took so many photos that instead of posting them on the blog (there wouldn't have been enough room or time) I've put them all in a photo album on the net >>HERE<<.

The scenery was stunning. We stayed in a suite in a hotel that was very pretty for the price I thought. Thank goodness for Adam's government discounts. Even the outside pool was heated and it was pretty neat to think you could go swimming outside with snow all around. Most of the snow you see is fake & made just for the skiers, but it was still very cold. We didn't do too much beside walk around the town window shopping and eating out but I had a blast taking pictures of all the new things I had never seen before, like ski lifts. Everywhere you looked there were people with their ski goggles and snowboards and I just felt so uncool next to them!! It's kind of hard to imagine renting skis etc. when you have 2 young children with you though. What do you do with them while you are skiing? I want to at least try it someday. It looked like so much fun.

Happy Thanksgiving!

As we said our blessing over the Thanksgiving meal today we prayed for our family back home. We hoped for happiness for all of you and thankful hearts for ourselves. Even though you all are miles and miles away, it still feels like you are close to us and I can only guess that's because you were close (emotionally) before. It sounds so cheesy but I will just say it any way - you are with us in spirit because you are a part of our hearts!!

Audrey is sort of depressed today. She keeps asking for someone to come over for Thanksgiving. Of course there isn't anyone but it is comforting to her to know her Grandparents are coming over next week. She had the idea today to do ''toasts" to things we were thankful for during our meal so that made it kind of special.

Rynn is feeling sick. She's been having a tummy ache that comes and goes and has spent most of the morning just lying down.

Adam must have been feeling festive. He cooked our Thanksgiving turkey, his first one ever, today. We got some ''Cajuny'' things in the mail from his Mom and Dad a couple of days ago - Boudreaux Butt Paste, Zapp's chips, and some Cajun Injector. If only we could get okra and boudin in the mail! He was pretty excited about the Injector and used that on the turkey.

I was pretty excited about the chips. Oh how I have wished for some Cajun Craw Taters over the past few weeks and to get a whole box of them in the mail was like Christmas. Thank you Mrs. Joyce and Mr. Carl!!! As for today I made muffins this morning and the sides for dinner. Mom and Rachel called this morning and I am always so thankful that you guys keep in touch. Rachel, Rachel, Rachel - THANK YOU for calling me OFTEN. Even Adam has said he is really impressed with you. I am absolutely terrible about making phone calls but always so happy to receive them. We bought new phones a couple of weeks ago because we just weren't getting service with the old ones. If you'd like our phone number or address, please just send me an email at mrskerry@kajnmail.com.

I'm trying to get this up in a hurry but I will post some more today, including photos. Going to go ahead and publish this one now though. I love you all and I am missing you!


New Updates Coming

The newness has worn off of the blog as well as the new life I'm afraid. Now that we are all settled in not a whole lot of things are happening to write home about. However we have had an exciting week and I'll post some of that in the next few days. If anyone reading is interested, there is an open house at our old house in Jennings today and tomorrow fro 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Carl and Joyce are selling some of our old furniture for us and showing all the changes to the house. I've seen a couple of pictures and the place is gorgeous. I've heard it doesn't even look like the same house. Pray for a good sell!