
Photos from Breckenridge

For my birthday we went to Breckenridge for the weekend. I took so many photos that instead of posting them on the blog (there wouldn't have been enough room or time) I've put them all in a photo album on the net >>HERE<<.

The scenery was stunning. We stayed in a suite in a hotel that was very pretty for the price I thought. Thank goodness for Adam's government discounts. Even the outside pool was heated and it was pretty neat to think you could go swimming outside with snow all around. Most of the snow you see is fake & made just for the skiers, but it was still very cold. We didn't do too much beside walk around the town window shopping and eating out but I had a blast taking pictures of all the new things I had never seen before, like ski lifts. Everywhere you looked there were people with their ski goggles and snowboards and I just felt so uncool next to them!! It's kind of hard to imagine renting skis etc. when you have 2 young children with you though. What do you do with them while you are skiing? I want to at least try it someday. It looked like so much fun.

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