
Our Place

I won't go so far as to call it our new home - I'll reserve that honor for the house we buy hopefully within the next few months. Instead, allow me to introduce you to Our Place!

Remember, we are still unpacking, so there are boxes here and there, especially in our bedroom. I've left out the photo of that one and the 1/2 bath - nothing special there.

The kitchen is just the right size, the cabinets are cute. We have a dishwasher (YAY!) I washed the dishes by hand for 3 days before I even noticed it - assumed we didn't have one. Our fridge STUNK up until about yesterday. Really that's the only complaint I've had about the apartment itself.

The living area is large enough for us. I'm a little sorry we left our coffee table but I do like the space. We don't, however, have a dining area. Instead we sit at the bar on stools. The carpet is brand new as of last week so we bought an area rug, knowing how hard the girls are on carpet. Sadly, we couldn't fit our sofa that goes with the ottoman through the door so Adam took it to his office. I visited him today and discovered my sofa was all scratched up from moving and almost cried. He comforted me and told me we could fix it but I loved that thing. Too much, I guess - it's just an object after all.
Opening out from the living room is our balcony. It spans the entire length of the apartment. The complex is 3 stories total and the second floor is the only one with a balcony. I thought about spicing it up with some plants and chairs but when the cold weather started to set in Monday I figured it would be a waste. The whole thing will be covered in snow soon and we won't be here long enough for Spring. From the balcony you can see Audrey's school to the right with a mountain behind it, and to the left a pretty little house on a hill. The girls have been spending a lot of time playing out there.

Now we move down the hall to the entry. We have 3 locks on the door so I'm not worried about any of our freaky neighbors getting in. More about the freaky neighbors later! We've got the sofa table and an arrangement greeting you as you walk in from the front door - turning left takes you to the kitchen and right to the bedrooms. You probably can't tell from the pictures but there is a pantry and large broom closet off to the left by the kitchen and after the front door you can find a coat closet and another closet. Plenty of space, lots of shelves, quite large. Bringing all of our "stuff" with us should never have even been an issue.

On to the kids' room. We've bunked the beds again. They have 2 good size closets in their room and probably more room than they had in their old one. The carpet looks like it's from the 80's but we deal with it by covering it up with the little rug Momma made for the girls. They still have a few boxes in there I should unpack instead of blogging :)

Here's the bathroom - nothing impressive though Audrey was pretty amazed by the medicine cabinet hidden in the wall. The girl is easy to please! You can see Rynn's little Dora potty seat there - we are working on it, but she hasn't had a success yet.

That's where our virtual tour ends, folks! I'll have to post our room when we finish unpacking but it looks just like the kids' only we put the jungle carpet from my classroom on the floor and it has a walk-in closet and a 1/2 bath off of it. It's time to bathe the kids now and reprimand the cat for playing on the lazy susan. I hope you guys get to come up here and see the place for real sometime soon. I leave you with an image of the girls napping in the living room today, most likely dreaming of you!


Anonymous said...

Hey guys..sounds like you had a great trip with eyecatching scenes to be long remembered. YOUR apt. looks good..hope you will enjoy it..I guess it is nice not to have a yard to keep up..glad you have settled in. looking forward to all of your pictures etc. We wnet to Crowley today..Grandpa had to have blood work prior to going to the Dr. for a checkup only..and a haircut. I needed a haircut also so we made one trip do. For lunch we had homemade soup and also had some leftover homemade brown bread. healthy anyway. We are keeping Sadie when Uncle Phil is offshore..since her Mom works she cannot take her to school and keep a job..else all are okay. Love Grammy, Grandpa and Uncle B

Adam & Kerry said...

Sadie is absolutely blessed to be able to stay with you guys. Yes no yardwork is great and the kids have a very big playground. The pool was already closed for the winter when we got here. I hope Grandpa's bloodwork and all went ok. You'll have to give me some recipes for homemade soup and bread - sounds delicious! I've been doing the mommy/wifey thing around here and cooking every day. Taco soup day before yesterday which we ate for 2 days, gumbo today, sausage and potatoes a few days ago. However I need to figure out how to make something more healthy =) If you can get me your email address (mine is mrskerry@kajnmail.com) I can add you to users here when I make it private you'll still be able to see it. Thank you for visiting and leaving a message. I love you guys both! PS give Uncle Benny a hug as well.

Judy said...

I'm glad we are able to see where you are living. Looks like it is a cute place. I bet the balcony view is breath-taking. Daddy just gave me the message that you called yesterday. I was at a lion club meeting. This morning it was raining so much and of coarse, I had early morning duty.When I left there was water everywhere on the main roads and it was dark. I'm glad someone was before me to warn me of the water on the road. Well, I did not know that a hurricane had come ashore. I didn't watch the news.
I am so glad for you all. I'm sure Adam likes coming home and knowing that his family is there. Enjoy! I'll be in touch. Love, MoM

Anonymous said...

Glad all is going well. We made it home Wed afternoon about 4:30. Slept like babies and got up and went to the house and got started on the living room. Got all the carpet out and went and bought 5000 (yes thousand) pounds of portland and sand to level the floor. We should get part of that done tomorrow. Would go a lot faster if Joyce was there to supervise all the time, but she has to get out and make us a living. Got the new window put in the bathroom and have picked out the new wood flooring for the living room. It is gonna look good when we get it done. Joyce worked in the main bath and got a good start on it. Hope to be done before long. Will probably only get to work on it on the weekends. Love yall, Joyce has done checked on airline tickets for a return trip. Give the girls a BIG HUG for us. Miss yall already.

Anonymous said...

Hey my family whom I miss so much! I love the apartment...it looks really nice! Hope the girls are enjoying it and don't miss my girls too much as do mine. Well let's see, where do I start? Kaitlyn lost her other front top tooth Thursday the 13Th and a bottom one Friday the 14th. She looks so funny! I can't wait to show y'all pictures. Bailey had an interview Friday for the princess to represent Iota Ele., but she didn't get it. Poor baby went to school sick just for the interview. Thursday we woke up and a hurricane had hit West Louisiana, East Texas area...it poured rain. Anyway the girls stayed home from school because of that and Bailey woke up throwing up anyway. Luke had been gone all week on a job. I have been bored, so I cleaned my house like it was spring all week. It smells nice and cozy now. Luke is on days off now, so we were thinking about going paintballing if they're open tomorrow. Well think I wrote enough! Love you all...give the girls kisses from Aunt Rachel! Oh, Bailey and KK send their xxoo too! See Ya!

Anonymous said...

Dear Kerry, Adam, and girls,
Thanks for the updates. I've been busy with Karen and her volleyball games, so I haven't had much time to check the blog. The pictures are great!! Colorado is truly a beautiful state. We spent several days there this summer - totally awesome!!
We will check the blog again later. Thanks for everything. We miss you guys and pray nothing but the best for you all.
Love to all,
Aunt Becky and family

Unknown said...

Kerry and Adam,
Well it looks like ya'll are suffering up there!! Hope that you are enjoying the time together. We definitely miss you!! Take care and I will check- in on a regular basis.

Give the kids a hug for me.