
Catching up on the Last Week

It has been such an adventure with a good supply of highs and lows. Since I haven't had a good net connection since last Tuesday, I'll start from back then.

Tuesday we spent the whole day loading up our moving van. Well, mostly Adam and his dad did. Those guys are workhorses! Rachel and her girls came over and helped a bit, as did Momma. Adam's mom was there as well, working her tail off as usual and showing me a thing or two about moving. Everyone was really good about not being emotional until Bailey broke out bawling. Next thing you know everyone had wet eyes. Thanks, Bailey!
Wednesday morning we set out early, Adam and I and the kids in the Escalade pulling the Grand Prix, and Joyce and Carl in the moving van pulling their SUV. We drove all day, stopping often, and stayed the night just south of Oklahoma City.
Thursday we drove all day again, crossing Kansas. The kids watched The Wizard of Oz as we crossed and kept an eye out for Dorothy's house, and we DID see a sign for it. We even got to see a tornado forming:
That night we stayed in Denver. When we started to get close we could barely make out the mountains in the distance. Here's a pic of the Denver skyline. It's hard to tell the difference between the mountains and the clouds. Where you can see a sliver of sky you can tell where the mountains are.

yuck! Ignore the bugs on the windshield!

Friday's trip deserves its' own post because it was the most beautiful trip and I have a lot of pictures.

1 comment:

Judy said...

What an appropriate movie to watch as you all crossed Kansas. I love the Wizard of Oz. My mom named me Judy after Judy Garland. I love the picture of the girls before you left. The scenary must have been breath taking. Have fun and enjoy the countryside. LOve MOm