
Every Weekend is a Vacation

This was our first real weekend in our new home since last weekend we were unpacking, so we decided to go exploring. Our travels brought us to Glenwood Springs. Our destination was Leadville, the highest town in the U.S., but we never made it that far. On the way we found a dead deer, and Audrey, being somewhat obsessed with questions regarding dead things, wanted to stop to look at it. That particular highway is nicknamed "Carnage Hwy" because of all the deer people hit. After an hour or two of scenery we ended up starting a new free vacation fad - rest stop hopping along the Glenwood Canyons. The rest stops all had long trails coming off of them so we went hiking up one of them. We probably only ended up hiking 3/4 of a mile or so into it, but we know next time to bring water with us. I think we also may need to wear khaki shorts, a fishing hat, hiking boots, and a backpack that ties around your waist, since everyone we met along the way was wearing that same getup!



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Here is a video of everyone at the creek. I won't be able to leave it up for long because it is taking up a lot of my allotted space so take a look before I take it down.

And a quick snippet of Glenwood Canyon...

(videos removed to save space)

I kept thinking today how much Daddy would like it if he saw the mountains, or how much Bailey and KK would love to hike by the river. I can't wait til you guys can come to visit!


Bridget said...

Hey, Thanks for inviting me to see your blog!! Trevor kept saying, "There's Audrey!! LOOK Mommy! It's Audrey!" I'll bet it was nice to get out and "vacation" a little in your new hometown. Soon you won't need water on your trail, you will need heavy coats and snowshoes! LOL....Shane was up there last November and said how beautiful it was. Good luck with settling in and I'll check back soon!!!


Judy said...

Daddy,Krystal, and I enjoyed seeing the video clip. Daddy said you judged him correctly, that he does love the mountains. Looks like you are all enjoying yourself. There must be something adventurous around every corner. So much to see and do. Right! I am just a little envious thou, but have fun with all there is to do and see. The mountains are gorgeous. I have not put anything on the blog yet, so be patient. Kiss the girls for us and tell them that we waved back at them when we saw their picture.
Til I write again, take care.
Love, mom dad Krystal

Anonymous said...

Hey Kerry! Watching that video makes me miss you guys even more than I already do. I got tears in my eyes just typing this. Kaitlyn got to see the movie clip, she says she misses all of you too. Bailey went to Ryans, so she didn't get to see it. I tried calling you back that day you called me, but it says "Looking for the wireless subscriber." I say you called today. I had gotten out the truck to get the kids out of school and left my phone...when I called back it did the same thing. I guess I'll catch ya one of these days. It is beautiful over there...I fantasize of the day when I can go visit. Love you all!