
Saturday Steamboat Springs

Today we drove about 45 miles to Steamboat Springs, a top 10 international ski resort town. I needed a trip to WalMart anyway and it is the closest one. We decided to follow a road sign pointing to something called "Fish Creek Falls." Once there we hiked 1/4 mile to this stunning sight. Adam and Audrey got off the path for a bit and climbed the rocks toward the falls, but it started to rain a little so they headed back. Then we backtracked and took a different trail to the falls overlook. On the way up there we kept seeing little chipmunk looking things crossing the sidewalk and all over. This of course got Adam truly excited and he took at least 20 pictures of them. They would come right up to us and one sniffed Adam's shoe. Later we read a sign that said they were a kind of ground squirrel. He vows he is going to go back and catch one some day.

Here are a few pics we took at the falls overlook.

After that we drove up further into the mountains west of Steamboat to a place called Rabbit Ears Pass. Adam saw snow clouds and thought maybe we'd catch some snow. We didn't get to see any, however, and after some adventurous off-roading we headed back home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.