
Thoughts On..

It's everywhere. Monday morning we woke up to a child screaming at the top of its lungs. Later when we kept hearing it all day we realized it was the elk across the street. Saturday we were driving along through town and some little critter peered at me from 5 feet from my window. We thought it was a groundhog but it wasn't - I've forgotten the name of it. We've seen dead porcupine, foxes, & pronghorn on the side of the road. And EVERYWHERE you look are deer. We're so used to seeing them everywhere that it's no big deal to see them at the gas station. Magpies are also all over. They look a little like bluejays but they are quite a bit bigger.

For the past two Sundays we've gone to the same Baptist church. It has been nice, contemporary like Bethel. The preacher was earnest and the teaching was Biblical. The people were very friendly. However I think it may be a little bit too casual for us. They have some kind of coffee shop in there and the people in Hawaiian shirts and flip-flops sipping latte's while the pastor poured his heart out was a little disturbing to Adam and I. The teens didn't have to come into the sanctuary - they had their own little sofa area in the back where they could hear the sermon but sat there texting each other. What was important was the message of course, but unlike Bro. Tony's message that always spoke to my heart, I just didn't feel anything at these. So the search for a church home will continue next week. I know how important it is for us all to find the right place for us.

Grocery Shopping
I absolutely can NOT wait for Wal Mart to open in November. Right now we have Safeway and City Market for groceries and K-Mart for other things. The prices on groceries are outrageous - everything is on average $.50 more per item than it is in La. It adds up fast. I don't know if my girls will be eating chicken noodle soup again - it's $1.60 per can here instead of 60 cents. Yeah Wal-Mart cannot get here soon enough. The stores are VERY nice though, especially Safeway. Very high class looking inside. And the buggies are adorable. There are little cars on the front of the buggies and the girls both sit inside and pretend to drive their car around while I shop. They LOVE it.

Job Hunting
Last Monday morning I checked with the principal of Audrey's school to find out if they needed any subs and indeed she was happy to find out about me. She gave me the numbers of two babysitters and a good daycare. I called the babysitters - they wanted $30 to watch Rynn and $15 for Audrey for the half day! Rynn had to be potty trained for the daycare. One babysitter was full and the other could only take them on Wed. and Thurs. To put that into perspective I used to pay a little more than that for a whole week for Rynn with Marie. Tuesday I went to the school board to find out the pay for subs to see if it would be worth it after day care. They pay $85 per day for subs but $160 per day for long term subs with teaching degrees. Then I still would have to figure out how to leave school to get Audrey and bring her to the babysitter. Adam's enjoying me playing Miss Mom around the house right now anyway so I'm going to stick with that for a bit.

Being a Homemaker
This is what I've always wanted! I don't know how long I'll get to do this, but I'm loving it. A typical day looks like this - walk Audrey to school by 8:00, then walk back to the house with Rynn. Rynn and I hang out for a few hours, cleaning and maybe watching Wiggles, Yo Gabba Gabba, and other disturbingly enjoyable programs. We walk over to the school to get Audrey at 11:00 and the kids both play on the playground there for 15 minutes. Then we come back and have lunch at the apartment. Then we go to the grocery store and run errands or we do laundry and go to the apartment playground. We've been to the library, or to visit Daddy at work a couple of times. Then we are back to clean up for Adam to come home and get dinner ready. I've done gumbo for Adam's office which they loved, and did some taco soup from a recipe I got from Mrs. Tessa (the lunch lady back at Bethel) as well as lots of other dishes. Yeah you guys thought I couldn't cook - life just didn't allow time for it before.


Judy said...


Judy said...

I bet Adam and the girls are loving the wildlife. They are such animal lovers. And you too, Kerry. Be careful when driving though because it could cause an accident. That happens alot around Aunt Elaine's house.
Church sounds a bit too much according to your visual descriptions. I like a more down to earth country church and your right about that tug on your heart. God will lead you to the right one, I'm sure.
Wish I could send you some soup through the blog, but not possible. I hope Wal-Mart will have the prices like down here.
Kerry, you need to stay home with those 2 precious angels. Mom is needed at home! There is alot of adjustments to be made.Soon you'll have a change in climate & that will take some getting use to. Time will lead to something good later when everything is settled.
Kiss the girls, miss ya'll
Love MOM

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys! Kerry I am so jealous! I want to be a stay at home mom and live where I can walk my kids to school :-(
Audrey you are getting so big you need to email me and tell me about your new school!!
Miss ya!
Love all the pictures!!

Lori F.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have the chance to stay home with the girls. I know you've been wanting to for some time. You have so much more time one on one with Audrey and Rynn. It's good for them and for you. Good luck with the church thing, it sounds kind of weird to me.
Remind me next time we talk to dig up that tortilla soup recipe for you. You're going to love that stuff!
Well I'm going to let Kaitlyn look at some of your pictures on the blog before I have got to go home.
Give Audrey and Rynn a kiss for me!
Love, Rachel

Anonymous said...

Kaitlyn says:

"Audrey I know you went sleep at my house before, I miss you. I know we played games together and I miss you sooo much!!!!! I like the picture of the bridge with the water and mountains. Call me!!

Judy said...

Sounds like you are enjoying being a wondeful Mother and wife..It sounds like you are really enjoying yourself and having a great adventure with the family. Your activties show what a good Mother you are and Adam a good Dad. Tell Rynn not to throw those snowballs too hard at Dad..Ididn't know whe could ride a bike..not a baby anymore. Audrey is going in the right direction reading books..happy that she got turned on to them..as you well know that is the key to learning. Have a good time with your children..all too soon they will be gone. Tomorrow is Rachels garage sale. We were going to put some stuff in it but was too tired to get it ready..next time. Grandpa is watching tv and Uncle Ben just came in from compounding and waxing his truck..I think he will sell it so he wants it to look great.
I believe I would feel out of place in the church you have attended. The Lord will give you a peace when you find the right one..We love our pastor,wife and the church we go to.
I have a new floor covering in the kitchen thanks to Johne. I paid for it and he installed some vinyl that looks like real boards. I think it was about 6 " or so by about 5 feet (maybe 4). Anyway iot sure makes the kitchen easier to clean.
Adam, how do you like Kerrys cooking. I am sure it isn't like in Jennings when they had so many places to eat..How big is the town and the school where Audrey goes?
Enjoy the cool..it is HOT here . Today the thermometer said 96 under the car port. We send our love and prayers. Grammy, Grandpa and Uncle Ben

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