
We Made It!

We are here in our new apartment and are really happy with everything so far. I only have minutes to post right now, but we will be getting our cable and internet on Tuesday so I'll have a HUGE post up then. Tomorrow Audrey starts school, Adam starts work, and our new life really begins. Thanks for checking in, Aunt Becky, Rachel & Luke, Mom & Dad, Grammy & Grandpa, Grandmother and Granddad. And a BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to Adam's mom and dad for coming all the way to Colorado with us to see us here. Words can not thank you enough for all you have done.

If anyone wants our new address, please email me at mrskerry@kajnmail.com and let me know who you are.

I'll probably be making this blog private soon so you'll have to register to view it, so please don't give up when you see you don't have access. It's for our safety. See you (virtually) on Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Dear Transplanted LA Family,
Sooo glad you made it to Colorado!!
Thanks for letting us know. I don't know how to register, so please let me know what to do. I'm not very computer literate, so I will need help!! I already miss you just knowing you are not in Jennings. Be careful and keep in touch.
Audrey, have a great school year. Learn all you can so you can tell me all about it when I see you.
Love to all,
Aunt Becky and family

Judy said...

Kerry,Adam, and Girls,
Miss you all so much. Seems like you are still down the road. That will take some getting use to. Hope everything is going well there. I bet Audrey was glad to go to school. I will be posting longer comments soon. Love and miss ya'll. Kiss the girls. Mom